Monday, March 17, 2025

About Dimension of Demons

This novel started out as only a collection of unrelated topics that came together in an outline form. After a few months, I had a complete outline of these topics in a loose format of the novel now known as Dimension of Demons: A Political Prophecy. However, I struggled to actually write this novel in handwritten form. I felt urged by the Spirit to begin the first chapter but it wasn't until almost 3 years later that I finished writing this story about Grant and his friends.

In the novel are many current events that should help the reader to understand the significance of the future events to come.

The novel then sat for a couple of years while being typed with only one edit done on the complete manuscript. Finally in the summer of 2016 I submitted the typed copy to Christian Faith Publishing to publish in book form.

As the author of this short novel, I hope the reader will feel Grant's struggle while also his difficult decision. And I hope that the reader will ask himself or herself the same question as it is easily the most significant one ever to be asked.

... nomoloS